Kathmar Freight, we consider the intellectual property, ideas and trademarks of others and claim all users and visitors or kathmarfreight.com do the same. We reserve the right to fight offenders actions, block or suspend their accounts in the event of unauthorized copying of ideas and technologies created in Kathmar Freight, using original texts and other materials from kathmarfreight.com

Kathmar Freight Copyright and Intellectual Property
Before you start using the kathmarfreight.com website and any materials, applications or technologies provided by Kathmar Freight International Cargo and its representatives, any user or visitor to the site gives 100% acceptance of these terms and conditions and is responsible in accordance with legal regulations, and also agrees to be held accountable. tangible or intangible, for any violation of these provisions.
According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, published on the U.S. Copyright Office website at http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf, we will immediately react on possible copyright infringement committed using Kathmar Freight materials, applications or technologies in accordance with the established procedure and international law.
Any content, materials, texts, applications and technologies related to copyright and intellectual property of SeaRates, present and past, are confirmed at least by the presence on the website of the Internet Archive https://archive.org/web/web.php or https://web.archive.org with dates or time intervals in real-time online, as well as other material and digital evidence, so that anyone can ascertain the primacy of the announcement and use of technology, even without patents or international trademarks.
The presence of this evidence is indisputable evidence in all legal instances and is a sufficient condition for the accusation of using the copyright and intellectual property of Kathmar Freight, which is officially documented or not documented in accordance with the laws of any State.
If found, a report of alleged Kathmar Freight copyright infringements occurring on other sites is immediately sent to the DMCA of the Alleged violation, and a warning message is sent to the violator via email or other verifiable means. After receiving the Notification, the offender must immediately take any actions, in order to remove the disputed material from their sites, applications or other sources that are in open or closed access, as well as to fulfill any other requirements of Kathmar Freight according to the subject of the violation.